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1 Tonne Excel Smokeless (Pallet)

5/ 5
VAT included

Excel is a low ash, high heat, versatile and robust ovoid. Easy to light, long lasting with a powerful radiant heat

Summer Discount! £50 Off During MAY and JUNE Only!

Excel is a DEFRA approved fuel, authorised by government for use in smoke control zones across the UK. It is HETAS approved for Open Fires and Closed Appliances. Excel is a low ash, high heat, versatile and robust ovoid. Easy to light, long lasting with a powerful radiant heat, Excel has been a firm favourite with Consumers and Coal Merchants for over 20 years. If you’ve a multi-fuel stove or an open fire, or indeed you’re a canal boat enthusiast, this is your fuel of choice!

1 Tonne Excel Delivered on a pallet Via Our own delivery lorries, The product will be unloaded onto a drive or suitable place and left on the pallet.

100 Items

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Carrier Information Price Range £0 - £45 Price Range £45 - £300 Price Range £300 +
Standard Delivery 7-10 Working Days 7-10 £12.00 Free! Free!
Collection 1 Free!

We Cover SN, GL, BA, BS Postcodes if your postcode does not show up please contact us.

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